The Magic Behind the Warmth: Understanding How Furnaces Work
Furnaces are constantly running in the background to provide warmth during the freezing winter months. Few people stop to consider how these systems work. Let’s take a peek inside and unravel the mystery of how the components of furnaces work together to generate heat. The Control Center: The Thermostat The thermostat is the brain of […]
Know When to Repair Your AC and When to Replace It
Keeping your home cool and dry can be a big task for an older air conditioning unit. Repairs may be few and far between if you’ve been getting your AC serviced regularly. However, even a well-maintained older unit is less efficient than new models. Air conditioning technology is constantly improving, so a new model may […]
Furnace Basics Every Homeowner Should Know
One of the most commonly used methods to heat a home throughout the winter months is a furnace. A furnace can be powered by different types of fuel, such as natural gas, heating oil, and even electricity. As a homeowner, it’s a good idea to understand the basic components that make up a furnace and […]