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Simple and Effective Ways of Reducing Your Cooling Bill This Summer

With high humidity and temperatures in the 90s, summers in Tallahassee, FL require that you run your AC all day. While using the HVAC system each day, you can easily have your energy bill double. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to reduce your energy usage and your carbon footprint without compromising your level of comfort while spending time at home.

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans use 40% less energy than HVAC systems and are effective in keeping the air circulating in each room. They can allow you to have a gentle breeze to stay cool. Although the fans don’t necessarily cool the air in the room, they work well for drawing the heat away from your body.

Adjust the Thermostat

Adjusting your thermostat by a few degrees can add up to significant savings throughout the season. You can save 10% to 15% off your energy bill for every degree. You can also choose to turn the HVAC system off at night and keep your windows open, which will allow the appliance to get a break and can prevent too much strain on the parts.

Schedule a Check-up

Before the summer season arrives, you can reach out to the team at Payne’s Heating and Air for HVAC maintenance. A professional technician will inspect the parts to identify any areas where wear and tear may be present. They’ll also look for clogged filters, which may need to be replaced.

A new HVAC filter will promote better airflow and prevent the parts from working harder than necessary to cool the interior of your home. A new filter can reduce your energy bill by 5% to 15% and should be replaced at least every three months. Cleaning your air conditioning vents will also promote better airflow to ensure the HVAC system operates more efficiently.

Inspect the Insulation

The insulation that is installed in your home plays an important role in controlling the interior temperature. A professional can inspect it to determine if it’s still working effectively or if it needs to be replaced. Old insulation that is damaged can allow drafts to develop in the building, making your HVAC system run more each day.

You can also weather-strip and caulk any areas where the outside heat is transferring into the home. This is a simple and affordable way to insulate the building around the door frames and windows.

If you want to learn additional tips for reducing your cooling bill this summer, you can reach out to our team. Call us today to learn more about lowering your bill and using our services to prepare your house for the summer months ahead.