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5 Ways to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly

Maintenance isn’t an exciting word for most people, but it can get a lot more interesting when you realize that it can save you a substantial amount of time, stress, and money. Taking the time to practice good HVAC habits at home and scheduling routine maintenance with a licensed technician can significantly extend the lifespan of your system. These are all basic upkeep practices that most systems need on a regular basis.

1. Check the Air Filters

Buildings with central HVAC systems are equipped with one or more air filters at the intake points. They are usually rectangular in shape and a few square feet in size. These filters typically have a limited lifespan that ranges from one to three months. You need to replace these filters as necessary to keep your system running properly.

2. Clean the Vents

The vents are on the opposite side of the air circulation cycle than the intake filters. Make sure that none of the vents are physically obstructed by furniture, rugs, or other objects. You should also clean out the vents and the ducts immediately beneath as much as possible to preserve good flow.

3. Improve Your Insulation

This may be an indirect way to help out your AC performance, but it’s still one of the best. The better your living spaces are insulated, the less your system has to work to achieve the set temperature. Be sure that windows and doors have a tight seal to prevent drafts.

4. Clear the Condenser

Central AC systems generally rely on a loud outdoor condenser, which is often responsible for a lot of the running noise. You can’t stop the sound entirely, but you can minimize it and ensure proper operation by keeping the condenser clear and clean. Make sure the unit has at least 5 feet of clearance without tall grass, bushes, or other plants encroaching.

5. Get Professional Maintenance

You should schedule a full system check, cleaning, and maintenance at least once a year. A professional technician can check for developing problems, repair damaged parts, and advise you on better usage practices to improve efficiency.

Stay Ahead of the Heat With AC Maintenance

The best way to beat the heat is to maintain your air conditioner so it can stand up to the challenge. Basic upkeep practices can help conserve energy costs, prevent the need for repairs, and make the system run more comfortably. If you’re a resident of Tallahassee, FL or the surrounding area, you can rely on Payne Heating and Air for all your AC repair and maintenance needs.